
crif dogs


The East Village is the home of Crif Dogs where they make deep-fried hot dogs with crazy toppings.  Is it wrong that we had hot dogs on more than one occasion in NYC? Probably. But they were deep-fried. We understand that anything out of a vat of oil in the states is considered a delicacy. We have yet to try the deep-fried Twinkie/Mars bar/Oreo cookie phenomenon. One day.

A lot of people warned us about rude service from the Crif Dogs staff, but luckily, we didn't experience it. The girl behind the counter took our order then handed us our food -not particularly effusive, but certainly not discourteous. The atmosphere had an intentional 'dive' feel to it, complete with dim lighting and arcade games in the corner.

Alex ordered the 'Chihuahua' - a bacon wrapped dog with avocado and sour cream. I was feeling a little less adventurous that day and just got some cheddar on mine. They should call this place 'Crif Toppings' because these were the skinniest dogs ever. Again, they were deep-fried, and deep-fried equals automatic deliciousness, so we're not complaining. I'm going to type 'deep-fried' one more time for good measure.

Have a greasy weekend!

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  1. This place looks so cool!!
    And the hotdogs super delicious - and different!
    Viele Gruesse and have a super weekend, Kristina

  2. 'effusive' and 'discourteous' not exactly the diction you'd expect in the review of a hot dog joint — but then again, this isn't your standard hot dog joint!

  3. i love hot dogs! i am totally writing this place down for the future!

    ps: i'd love it if you stopped by http://lifespelledjen.blogspot.com

  4. Anonymous15.10.10

    Okay, I am concerned for y'alls arteries. You guys eat out so much :)

    I would love to hear about grocery shopping and cooking while traveling. While in London my sister took us to Marks and Spencers for groceries because she said it would save us a ton of money and they had one or two person meals. They are just like Whole Foods but surprisingly much cheaper!

    Have you guys ever gone grocery shopping while traveling?

  5. "bacon wrapped dog with avocado and sour cream'!?? I didn't know it, but I think this is my dream dog. YUM.

  6. Hahaha I actually had crif dogs for the first time last week and had it 3 times after that. mmmm. I forget the names but I had the bacon wrapped one with avocado and sour cream and the bacon wrapped with over easy egg and cheese. heaven.

  7. I checked out Crif Dogs while I was in NYC too!

    Did you happen to go to PDT -the secret bar/lounge- inside the phone booth??! It was NUTS!!


  8. YUM. You know how I feel about hot dogs.

    And love the blog-changes. Looks nice!

  9. yummy! i'm always such a sucker for a good hot dog...that chihuahua one looks quite delish.

  10. looooove crif dogs! i went on my nyc trip too!

    thanks for taking me back.




