
central park


The atmosphere in Central Park came as quite the surprise to us. Too many episodes of Law and Order had us thinking that it would be inevitable that we would stumble upon a dead body. At the 'Late Show' taping we went to, David Letterman joked about the amount of rats in the park. We didn't see one rat (or dead body)!

It was actually quite beautiful. So much green space in the middle of the 'concrete jungle'. It's the perfect place to go for a stroll, or hang out and have lunch. Think: the antithesis of Times Square. We shared many an afternoon in the park and hope to someday revisit it to see the parts we missed.

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  1. You are so gorgeous! :)

    Love, Makay

  2. One of my favorite parts of the city!

  3. You're such a stunner it's not even fair!

  4. You're such a stunner, it's not even fair!

  5. haha that is too funny! I thought Central Park was MAGICAL. I dream about going back! Fortunately my visit was void of rats and dead bodies as well :)

  6. Central Park is my fave part of NYC. I was so surprised at how big it was and how much greenery there was. Such a beautiful place amidst all the buildings!

    Your travels sound fascinating! :)

  7. how do you stay so fresh-looking and dressed so cute when living out of a very limited back pack?! i hope you can do a post in the future for us girls... the one thing i hate most about traveling is being invited to a nice home, and i look exactly like i've been living out of a suitcase, and feel grimy and unkempt!




