
step on the gas and wipe that tear away


Once we left our house, we drove around the city to tie up loose ends. We signed our wills, added items to the safety deposit box (bye wedding rings), and picked up some international driver's licenses. We're on our way to Toronto (via Chicago) right now! We can't believe this is actually happening!

We left Winnipeg in the early evening and battled rain and construction on the highway to stop for the night in Fargo, ND (yeah!)

It's so exciting here:

We're going to go hop in the hotel pool tonight and take off early tomorrow morning to get out of here. 10 hours on the road tomorrow 'til Chicago!

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  1. This is so exciting!

  2. Wowww,you both have started the trip !! I'm really so excited to see more posts:)

  3. Sounds like you're already having a fantastic time. Keep updating us on your journey!

  4. Have a fantastic time, I'm so excited for you both!

  5. Im so excited for you...cant wait to read the next posts...

  6. i hope it stops being so rainy! it definitively makes road trips less fun! i had to drive out to st. andrews in the dark and rain last night and did not enjoy it one bit!!

    i'm so pumped for you guys!!

  7. Wow - Fargo, ND. It can only go up from there!

  8. Anonymous30.10.09

    Oooh have fun in Chicago! My fiance is from there :) Don't miss a visit to the Art Institute!

  9. the start of a trip is always so much fun!!!!! Enjoy it, I am so excited for you guys!!!!!

  10. Chicago is a great place, I hope you get to explore it a tiny bit!

  11. Congratulations on successfully skipping town in the middle of the night without doing any kind of goodbye get-together.

    I expected this, so I'm glad we got to see you briefly when we picked up the camera.

    Good luck.

  12. im giddy with excitement for you two. this is HUGE, im so happy!

  13. I just got goosebumps. Congratulations. Let the journey begin!

  14. What a crazy adventure...

    Good luck!

  15. I've been reading your blog for a couple of months now. I am so excited to see you guys are on your way. Hopefully, on your way to Chicago, you check a place where all of the Chicagoans go to get a away for a weekend, Galena, IL. It's very cute and historical. Lots of little shops and such. I think you should be able to get there from I80. If that's out of your way and you're headed through Wisconsin, definitely check out Madison. It is the coolest city in the midwest if you're young and liberal. One amazing place around Madison, which you will probably see signs for in Wisconsin, is the House on Rocks. that is definitely worth checking out.
    Good luck with your travels! I look forward to taking notes for my trip.

  16. Eek, I'm so excited! I know I'm a little behind...can't wait to see more!

  17. I used to live near Fargo...:)
    You aren't missing too much in that country! best of luck on the rest of your journey!




