
mike's pastry


Everyone said we had to go to Mike's to get a cannoli. If I can be perfectly honest, I wasn't a fan at all. This could be because I went in thinking that a cannoli was basically an eclair, which is it not. The guy beside me was inhaling a Boston cream pie and I kind of regret not ordering one because, well, when in Rome...  Listening to people who were obviously repeat customers order in their Boston accents made my day though, so it wasn't a total waste. - Mina

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  1. I am NOT a fan of the cannoli either. I don't know why because it technically should be really tasty. I don't think I like the texture of the cream/custard combined with the outer shell. I don't know but I do NOT like it.

  2. Mike's is good, but I like Modern's down the street even better, it's a bit less sweet. And really, my favorite thing to do at either of these bakeries is give the person behind the counter an amount and tell them to fill a box. You end up with lots of different pastry options, and you just get to eat lots of different delicious things. :)

  3. Bridget - We should have done that. Oh well, maybe we'll be back someday. Thanks for the tip!

  4. I love canoli, try it again sometime when you're in a local-ly italian-y(ha!) place. There are plenty of ok canoli... but when you find a good one..MMM!!!

  5. I lovelovelove mikes pastries! guess I'm going to have to disagree with you about the cannolis--I thought they were delish :)

  6. Just means you have to come back some day! :)

  7. waaa it looks busy there .... wish I could go there :p


  8. Modern is better! but I am so glad you made it to the north end!!! (my home for 4 years and favorite neighborhood in the city!)

  9. Ah but you have to try the original Sicilian Cannoli in Palermo!!! we're waiting for you !

  10. I didn't get to go here when I was in Boston, which was a bit disappointing. But truth be told, I'm not a huge cannoli fan. I would have gone for the Boston cream pie too!




