place de la concorde fisheyes • 9 comments • Alex took these at Place de la Concorde while we were waiting to meet a friend. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Pin this Post FILED UNDER EUROPE, FISHEYE, FRANCE, LOMO, LOMOGRAPHY, PARIS You Might Also Like washington, dc fisheyesnew york city fisheyesbahia palace fisheyesmajorelle garden fisheyes 9 comments Courtney10.1.12You guys look so cute! What happened to the first pic??ReplyDeleteRepliesReplymina10.1.12Courtney - The first picture on the roll is usually a "throwaway"... but they're my favourite.ReplyDeleteRepliesReplyMaciek10.1.12This comment has been removed by the author.ReplyDeleteRepliesReplyMaciek10.1.12Brrr, Cold and windy days in Paris I dont like !ReplyDeleteRepliesReplyCarrie10.1.12Adorable!ReplyDeleteRepliesReplyMaria Larsen10.1.12Y'all look so adorable! I love your jacket, it's beautiful! I love y'alls camera! I'm going to have to look into getting one!ReplyDeleteRepliesReplyhis little lady10.1.12these images are just perfect! i love the camera lens!!!xo TJReplyDeleteRepliesReplyRachael10.1.12That's a cute picture! Love the unique angle!ReplyDeleteRepliesReplyUnknown11.1.12What camera you taking these with? Gorgeous pics!ReplyDeleteRepliesReplyAdd commentLoad more... ← →
You guys look so cute! What happened to the first pic??
ReplyDeleteCourtney - The first picture on the roll is usually a "throwaway"... but they're my favourite.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteBrrr, Cold and windy days in Paris I dont like !
ReplyDeleteY'all look so adorable! I love your jacket, it's beautiful! I love y'alls camera! I'm going to have to look into getting one!
ReplyDeletethese images are just perfect! i love the camera lens!!!
ReplyDeletexo TJ
That's a cute picture! Love the unique angle!
ReplyDeleteWhat camera you taking these with? Gorgeous pics!