place de la concorde fisheyes • 9 comments • Alex took these at Place de la Concorde while we were waiting to meet a friend. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Pin this Post FILED UNDER EUROPE, FISHEYE, FRANCE, LOMO, LOMOGRAPHY, PARIS You Might Also Like 12 yearsnew brunswick fisheyeswashington, dc fisheyesnew york city fisheyes 9 comments Courtney10.1.12You guys look so cute! What happened to the first pic??ReplyDeleteRepliesReplymina10.1.12Courtney - The first picture on the roll is usually a "throwaway"... but they're my favourite.ReplyDeleteRepliesReplyMaciek10.1.12This comment has been removed by the author.ReplyDeleteRepliesReplyMaciek10.1.12Brrr, Cold and windy days in Paris I dont like !ReplyDeleteRepliesReplyCarrie10.1.12Adorable!ReplyDeleteRepliesReplyMaria Larsen10.1.12Y'all look so adorable! I love your jacket, it's beautiful! I love y'alls camera! I'm going to have to look into getting one!ReplyDeleteRepliesReplyhis little lady10.1.12these images are just perfect! i love the camera lens!!!xo TJReplyDeleteRepliesReplyRachael10.1.12That's a cute picture! Love the unique angle!ReplyDeleteRepliesReplyUnknown11.1.12What camera you taking these with? Gorgeous pics!ReplyDeleteRepliesReplyAdd commentLoad more... ← →
You guys look so cute! What happened to the first pic??
ReplyDeleteCourtney - The first picture on the roll is usually a "throwaway"... but they're my favourite.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteBrrr, Cold and windy days in Paris I dont like !
ReplyDeleteY'all look so adorable! I love your jacket, it's beautiful! I love y'alls camera! I'm going to have to look into getting one!
ReplyDeletethese images are just perfect! i love the camera lens!!!
ReplyDeletexo TJ
That's a cute picture! Love the unique angle!
ReplyDeleteWhat camera you taking these with? Gorgeous pics!