
en route to casablanca


I know we're terribly late to the party but we finally caved and got an iPhone. Any app recommendations are much appreciated! We got it right before we left on this trip so I went a little crazy on the plane with instagram. These photos were taken between Charles de Gaulle and Casablanca. - Mina

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  1. Monica17.1.12

    WOrds with Friends is a must!

  2. lovely pictures! you will get the hang of it in no time ... and i still do not own an Iphone ... so you are not late at all :)

  3. I think you guys would really enjoy 8MM. It's a great app to make little retro looking videos.
    -TED is awesome to listen to lectures while on long plane rides.
    -Mint is great to keep track of personal finances.
    -Around Me tells you where everything is in relation to you (ie, coffee shops, hospitals, gas stations, etc).
    -Scoops is my favorite "no brain required" game.

  4. I have Ted & Mint! I love them both actually. I keep things like my instagram, netflix (for really long car rides), ESPN for my boyfriend (who doesn't have a smart phone),and myfitnesspal!

  5. I love instagram! I went a bit crazy with it when I first got it, too! bwt I'm Daisy21

  6. These are gorgeous! I can't wait to invest in an iPhone...someday...

  7. Flipboard : amazing
    AroundMe : very useful
    Shazam : magical
    8mm : fun
    Hipstamatic : fun, too (a little bit redundant if you have Instagram)


  8. Love those photos of the clouds!! I've been on an airplane once(well, twice. To, and from), and I loved looking out the window at the clouds!!
    But hey, I don't have an IPhone, and don't plan on getting one soon. But it makes sense of you guys to have one.

  9. Oh if you are traveling TripIt is a must!! It saved my butt last year when I travelled around Europe/Morocco! Can't wait to see how you like Marrakech, it's one of my favourite places on earth. Eat everything you can get your hands on, and drink copious amounts of mint tea. And stock up on saffron!

  10. I love Instagram! It looks like you've been uploading all of your cloud pictures so that means you should already be logged in. In order to find and add people you can go to the profile button on the bottom right when you open Instagram. From there if you go to "Your photos" you can go to followers to see who is following you if you want to see about following them back. Or if you go back to profile you can search for people a few different ways. Using "Find friends" you can search your contacts, facebook, twitter, etc. to find people you know who use Instagram or if you know someone's user name you can find them that way. Good luck! You'll get the hang of it!

    Other apps I like are Words with Friends and Diptic. With Diptic you can take pictures from your camera roll and combine more than one photo into a sort of collage.




