


We are very happy to report that we will no longer be posting photos of Iguanas.

Originally, we had planned to explore the rest of South America after leaving the Galápagos Islands. However, the mudslides in Peru prevented us from going there at the time. It didn't seem logical to go to South America and skip Macchu Picchu so we decided to head to South Africa instead. After scouring the internet for flight deals, we finally found one that went through Miami.

We both got a cold/flu while we were there (not complaining, but it was a tad chilly compared to where we had come from), so we didn't get to do too much. Valentine's Day was spent in Miami and we went to Urban Outfitters for the first time ever. We stocked up on film and lomo accessories (...and much needed travel items).

Thinking that we may get a break from Spanish was misguided as we ended up staying in an area that was densely populated by Cuban folk. It felt strange to be in the States and go into stores where no one spoke any English.

Coming up: Miami to NYC to Abu Dhabi to South Africa!

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  1. yayy! I'm going to NYC and then Miami in the summer! Very excited to see more of your pictures!

    Bikinis & Passports

  2. Those photos are super cool looking.

    A WARNING: be careful with Urban Outfitters. All your travel money will mysteriously go to them :)

  3. I love all your pictures! it sounds like you two are having so much fun (minus the cold)!

  4. love these photos. i know isnt urban amazing!

  5. love your lomo photos!! can't wait to hear about africa...safe travels!

  6. I didn't know what Urban Outfitters was, so I looked it up.

    If their website is accurate, that looks like the worst store in the history of stores. Not only do they charge $22 (presumably US$) for a pair of flip-flops(!), but everything they sell is pretty much tailor-made for lame-ass hipsters.

    You know, the kind of scum who listen to Vampire Weekend, wear tight pants and grow "ironic" moustaches. Fuck, I feel disgusting from even looking at the site.

  7. I love these photos :) The colors make me happy!


  8. These pictures are amazing. I've said it before, but what a great adventure you guys are living :)

  9. aw, i hope you post some more photos of Miami! urban outfitters is amazing, i couldn't believe it when you wrote that you'd never been there before, crazy! it is amazing, eh? <3 <3 i love the photos of iguanas, but yes, a change of pace would be lovely, haha. :]
    - L

  10. WOW what a trip! Sounds amazing... I'm a little jealous and will definately stay tuned in! :D



  11. can't wait for the NYC post! :D

  12. Lucky you! Your adventures sound amazing :) Love that pic, by the way!

  13. ahh! what camera are these pictures taken with? they're so rad!


  14. Anonymous1.4.10

    I love those palm photos! are they on the lomo? how are you developing the film with all the traveling?? do you carry it around after that? or just mail them home? whats your travel gear like?

  15. Space Astronomy - Yeah, some of the stuff is over-priced. Most of the items we bought were on sale. Oh Sam, you must know that not everyone can be as cool as you.

    janis - They were the last two photos on our underwater camera and so when they opened it, the film was exposed.

    ya - We just hold onto the rolls until we find a spot that will develop them for us. Here's a link to our gear posts: http://sending-postcards.blogspot.com/2009/12/gear-part-2.html

  16. Yay, you're in my neck of the woods! :) Hope the humidity isn't killing you and that you're enjoying the beach!




