
we suck + wanderlist update


Over a year ago, after days at the office, we would go on long walks or bike rides together. Like we mentioned in our last post, this is when we came up with our 'wanderlist', on these streets. It sounded a lot less cheesy at the time. We don't think this is anything particularly special, and we obviously didn't invent the idea. I mean, it's essentially a travel-specific bucket list without the whole creepy 'before I die' part attached.

As we were traveling, it was clear in our minds that we would not accomplish all the tasks on our list. When we looked back to see what we had written, it said "things that we hope to accomplish during our trip". We're not sure why we wrote that. It seems obscenely naive of us to think that even half of the items on that list could be completed in a year. We’re not saying nobody could have accomplished such a feat, but as we got going it seemed unrealistic that our time frame would permit us to. And yet, in hindsight, there are only a few outrageous tasks so we think that if we had set out to complete only those tasks and not do anything else, perhaps it would have been entirely feasible - except that we were, and constantly are, adding to the list as we go. However, we'd like to hope that we’ll get through them in our lifetime.

We traveled slowly, over a whole month in South Africa and nearly two months in NYC, and we preferred to travel this way. It's nice to try and get to know a place rather than just pass through - and it was great to be able to decide to stay somewhere longer on a whim. But we're not making excuses - we know that we suck for not doing all the things on our list.

Hopefully, the items will get crossed off eventually. We would like to do a lot more research about some of the particular activities. Also, it seemed to be a bit of a waste when we had to sit on our computer and plan (researching, booking flights/hotels, etc...) while we were in some of the most amazing cities in the world. Having said that, we will never take for granted that we were fortunate enough to be able to do it that way and don't have any regrets. One time, when we owned our house in Winnipeg, our kitchen ceiling fell to the ground while we were in Tokyo for two weeks (long story). So, that's the kind of stuff we didn't want to worry about. (Are these first world problems? Absolutely. Are we complaining? No. This trip was our solution to our trivial concern of wanting to travel more without worrying about our house falling apart when we were gone).

Anyway, back to the wanderlist - considering all the things that we somehow managed to complete in the past year - whether they were on the list or not, we're pretty optimistic and excited about everything to come whether it be in 2011 or in ten or twenty years.

Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
- Samuel Beckett


  1. Thank you so much for sharing your travels and experiences this year. I have so enjoyed reading about your journey. I think that #13 should be done in the Grand Canyon. :) Then, you would be in my state and I could take you both to dinner!

  2. you guys definitely don't suck! You are both super inspirational! I look forward to reading about your next steps in this life! =) good luck!

  3. you guys don't suck at all! What an amazing year you've had, you'll have so many great stories to tell your kids. I think it was a brave thing selling up and heading out and I wish you all the best for the coming year. I'm looking forward to keeping up with the next stage of your life journey. Its been fun, thanks. Mx

  4. you guys are fun :) maybe the fact that you couldn't do all the things from the list means you should take another year and travel more?

  5. I love this post and I love the way you write. I find the quote you posted at the very bottom inspiring and keeping me to move on.

  6. You gotta CS! You'll LOVE it!!! Have fun crossing off the rest of your awesome list. :)

  7. I don't know if you ever figured out the ride an elephant one- but I would suggest the Elephant Sanctuary in South Africa- there are a few of them. I know you were just there, so this may not be helpful! Elephant tourism can be horrible and irresponsible even when they claim to be doing good work, which is what I found in Jaipur when I volunteered at one which I wrote about here: http://www.rebeccayale.com/2010/12/elephant-village-of-jaipur.html

    p.s. i got your email and promise to write back sometime this weekend when i have more time. I just got back from Borneo and had no email for over 2 weeks while I was there.

  8. I love your quote at the bottom :o)


  9. If you didn't finished all the list that mean you get to keep travel and explore more. enjoy!~

  10. "But we're not making excuses - we know that we suck for not doing all the things on our list."

    Believe me, you did/saw/experienced more than the majority of people will every get to in their lifetimes! Be proud of what you have accomplished, not sorry for what you did not!

    Oh and guess what?? I am studying abroad in Santiago, Chile for six months, starting this January. I see (from your sidebar) that you haven't been to Chile, but I was wondering if you guys had any travel/dining suggestions/tips you'd like to share :)

  11. "But we're not making excuses - we know that we suck for not doing all the things on our list."

    Believe me, you did/saw/experienced more than the majority of people will every get to in their lifetimes! Be proud of what you have accomplished, not sorry for what you did not!

    Oh and guess what?? I am studying abroad in Santiago, Chile for six months, starting this January. I see (from your sidebar) that you haven't been to Chile, but I was wondering if you guys had any travel/dining suggestions/tips you'd like to share :)

  12. You usually get more done with lists than without, so you can be proud of yourselves. Besides if you did everything then you wouldn't have reason to travel in the future.




