

We took two separate day cruises of Floreana and Isabella islands. Above is a photo that I took, on the first boat ride, of Mina, who had her head in her hands the entire time but didn't suffer the indignity of losing her breakfast. - Alex

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  1. Go Mina! Way to stay strong!

  2. That's a really intriguing shot. It really translates the feeling of seasickness, which I'm prone to.

  3. Oh no... being sea sick is the worst feeling... ugh.

  4. seasickness is the worst :( Hopefully once you arrived on land she got better! Beautiful pix.

  5. when i went whale watching 2 years ago i got sooo sea sick i missed the whole thing cuz i had to lay down on a bench. so sad.
    never happened before that and hasn't happened since ::fingers crossed::

  6. you're lucky. I totally lost my breakfast and lunch while sailing/snorkeling the great barrier reef last year. i feel your pain.

  7. Anonymous12.3.10

    what a cool picture, i love it.
    and what a wonderful adventure you two are having.

  8. your pictures are amazing!

  9. I like the photo a lot, but I just wanted to say (again), that I find a lot of the posts in your comments section to be insufferable/retarded.

    It seems like you have a few basic types of comments:

    a) "OHMIGOD, your photos are so AMAZING! I have no idea what a fisheye lens is, so I actually think you warped space and time to make the photo all round like that!!!! You guys are GENIUSES!"

    b) "OHMIGOD, you guys are suuuuuch a good-looking couple! I'm not actually interested in your blog because I know you or I want to travel, I just stumbled upon it randomly and wanted to tell you you are soooooo good-looking!"

    c)"Whoa, you're going on a trip? Where are you going? I'm apparently illiterate, so I have absolutely no concept of what this blog is about."

  10. We're seeing Conan at Bonnaroo this June.
    Bonnaroo is an amazing music festival in Tennessee.

  11. Don't worry Mina, that was totally me during one of the boat rides from Delos to Mykonos this past summer. Trust me, it's the type of boat you are on that makes the difference. (And maybe the driver.)

    Thanks for letting me (and the other readers, of course) tag along on your world adventure. I'm enjoying the ride (luckily without the sea sickness.)

  12. LOL! Seasickness is no walk in the park! Looking forward to your next batch of pictures!

  13. very cool photo! so jealous of all your travels! which of the two islands did you prefere?

    xox and hopefully no more sea-sickness!

    P.S.: I don't think "space astronomy's" comment is very nice. I'm always happy about any comments on my posts. It means people are following my blog and care enough to take a few minutes and leave a quick note.

  14. Thanks everyone! Despite the fact I felt terrible that day, I like how this picture turned out.

    Space Astronomy - If you don't like them, don't read them.

    Taryn Wilson - Aren't you so excited?! We're seeing him in NYC and can't wait.

    vicky h. - We definitely preferred Isabela to Floreana. In fact, based on our experience, I wouldn't even recommend Floreana. Although, a better tour guide may have changed our minds.

    We really appreciate all of the comments we get and love reading them.




