Giveaway (Closed)

Cabin Porn Book - "Inspiration for Your Quiet Place Somewhere" Published by Little, Brown & Company, this book is full of stunning images that will make you want to spend some time in the woods. A few of our photos from Quebec are in the book as well! If you'd like, you can pre-order Cabin Porn, which comes out on Sept 29th. Little, Brown & Company will send out a copy of the book to the winner after it's release date! (Images courtesy of Cabin Porn)
Fieldguided Tote - Anabela always has dreamy items in her shop and posts the prettiest things on her blog and instagram. She's sending one of her totes to the winner. Tote bags are so much easier (and lighter) to carry around than purses and take up little room in your luggage. I don't know why I didn't think to take one with me while traveling before, but I'm going to start.

The Lovely Rose Apothecary Lavender Travel Beauty Set - You can win this travel beauty set that makes it easy to take your beautiful skin on the road. It includes a 1oz jar of vanishing cream and cold cream and a 1oz bottle of skin tonic. Lavender is perfect for normal or sensitive skin types that need gentle care. All three products are free of chemical preservatives.

Urban Deer Dry Shampoo - This powder is one of the greatest things to have while traveling so that you can run out and see the sights instead of fussing over your hair. I don't know many people who can pull off unwashed hair without dry shampoo. I've never gone on a trip without it! Urban Deer's Dry Shampoo is specially formulated to complement your hair color using natural ingredients. They have a lot of other awesome products for camping and general outdoorsy-ness in their shop, so click over and have a look!

Snakku Box - Snakku sends you a a collection of hand-picked snacks that you can only find in Japan as well as familiar, favourite Japanese snacks delivered in a cute, furoshiki-wrapped box, every month, when you get a subscription. We're headed to Japan next month and can't wait to find these snacks in the wild, but until then, having them delivered to your door is pretty great. Snakku is giving away one box to the winner!

Saharacase - Our simple black iPhone case from Saharacase is rugged and functional, but they have a variety of covers to choose from and you can pick any one you'd like if you win! *iPhone and hand model not included

Shear Revival Beard Oil - Alex uses the Shear Revival Sawbones beard oil and loves it (and I love the scent)! The founder of Shear Revival, Zach West, is a hairstylist and barber by trade. After not being satisfied with what the men’s grooming market had to offer, he set out to create a product that works with ingredients that you can pronounce. Today, they're giving away a Bluejacket Beard Oil to the winner. If you win, and are lacking in the facial hair department, it is an extremely thoughtful gift for your favourite bearded person!

Swig Hip Flask - Swig will send one of the flasks from their executive range, which includes a "veg leather" case in your choice of 4 colors (black, blue, brown, orange, or the Union Jack) to the winner of this giveaway!

40% off a custom Flickr Book - We took all our Morocco vacation photos and printed them in one of Flickr's gorgeous, hardcover books. It's such a nice alternative to a photo album. Flickr has offered to send the winner a 40% off voucher so that you can make your own book or use it toward wall art!
✈ How to win: Comment below and let me know how you follow Sending Postcards (Tumblr / Twitter / Bloglovin' / etc...) and share your best travel tip! ✈
Earn extra entries by letting people know about the giveaway on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram - just make sure you tag/mention us so that I can include your entry. You can leave a comment until the 30th when a winner will be chosen randomly. Good luck!
The winner is Caroline! Please get in touch with your contact info. and mailing address.
hello (at) Thanks for playing!
The winner is Caroline! Please get in touch with your contact info. and mailing address.
hello (at) Thanks for playing!
Hey there! I've been following Sending Postcards via Bloglovin' for over a year now and I love your website! My best travel tip is to always roll your clothes and remember to utilise the space in your shoes! Cables, shampoo, everything fits!
ReplyDeleteBest travel tip: don't plan TOO much. My most unforgettable travel memories are/were spontaneous :).
ReplyDeleteThis giveaway is too, too good. I'm following on Facebook & Instagram!
I follow on bloglovin and blogger! And my travel tip is plan one day to not have plans, sometimes doing things on the go and finding a new place is exciting with no expectations. Xoxo Lisa
ReplyDeleteI follow using feedly! Travel tip: chill and don't do too much.
ReplyDeleteFollow on tumblr! I'm a musician, so my travel tip is "Pack light, play heavy"
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the great content!
My travel tip: Ask the locals! There are so many gems that can't be found in the normal tourist places or guide books. Ask the residents for their favorite places to eat or where they go on their days off.
ReplyDeleteI follow via blogger.
Hi! I follow you guys on tumblr, kbtbbabe, and I love all of your posts and pictures! ����
ReplyDeleteHi! I am an avid follower from Bloglovin. My favorite travel tip is to not spend the big bucks on your hotel, but rather on experiences at your destination.
ReplyDeleteHello! I follow on Bloglovin', and love seeing your photos from around the world. My favorite travel tip is to gather travel guides from the library before your trip. I either compile my favorites in a notebook or borrow some from the library on my Kindle to cut down on travel bulk.
ReplyDeleteI follow on tumblr :) My number one tip is always: GET LOST ON PURPOSE! This is how I have stumbled upon some of the most memorable places and met interesting people. If you're traveling with people it is sometimes good to try this alone.
ReplyDeletewhat a stunning photo of you in that last photo :)
ReplyDeleteI am in love with all these products. I recently started using tote bags on vacation and have to agree - a great alternative to a purse! My bf grows a beard every year starting in October (and shaves it off in March) so it is perfect timing for that oil.
yes - i'd love to win all the things!!!! I follow you guys on my blogger dashboard of course and on twitter!
Follow on tumblr!
ReplyDeletemy travel tip is to leave expensive stuff like jewels at home
This is exciting! I follow you through blogger dashboard and of course instagram ;) My travel tip: Always pack over the counter medicine (and of course prescription if you need it) when you travel. You never know when you're going to need that imodium.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great giveaway! *fingers crossed!* I follow your blog posts through Feedly and also on Instagram and I just added you on Twitter, Facebook, & Tumblr as well (because I'm not sure why I wasn't already!) Are you on Snapchat? If so I can round out my stalkerness. ;)
ReplyDeleteAs for my best travel tip, I would say to try to relax and go with the flow. Nothing will ever go 100% as planned so it is better to take it in stride than let it stress you out and ruin some of your trip. :)
I'm following you with Bloglovin - just discovered the site and you have some great posts! I love seeing the adventures people post about in travelogues. My best travel trip is to pack as light as possible and to roll up your clothes to reduce the amount of space they take up.
ReplyDeleteI follow your blog on Tumblr and Feedly! :D My tip is to always bring your own food onto flights because it costs a fortune now.
ReplyDeleteI follow you on Tumblr! Travel tip: always follow the crowd, give yourself freedom to wander. If there are people gathering, it's often for an interesting reason!
ReplyDeleteA practical tip for travelling by plane: Do not take seats in the middle rows next to the wing enterances, because flight attendants might ask you not to sleep and to stay alert in case of emergency (which is hopefully not going to happen).
ReplyDeleteYou can thank me later @ :)
Wowza...killer giveaway you two! I follow you on Instagram, twitter, blog lovin and, ya know, just blogger from way back when? Haha. My best travel tip for European travels is to not try to see everything. Too many people I know think they're going to tour Europe in a week and end up spending more time traveling to each city than actually seeing cities. Go to one or maaaaybe two countries in a trip. Make the most of your time in one place.
ReplyDeleteFun giveaway! Well, I must be one of the few who just types in your web address :)
ReplyDeleteMy favorite travel tip and one that took me far and wide was to teach ESL abroad (Japan, Korea). I used the post contract months and holidays to see corners of the globe I would never have imagined I'd visit (Mongolia, China, Tahiti, etc)! Not enough Americans consider this option, however it is widely used as a means of travel for Canadians, Kiwis, Aussies, South Africans, etc.
Also, walking pilgrimages are an affordable and fantastic way to lose yourself in a country and learn so much about yourself and others. The most popular one by far is the Camino de Santiago across Europe and Northern Spain, which doesn't disappoint. Go in the off season (Spring, Fall, Winter), if you want to take your time and not fight for a bed.
Love your website! It's been fun following your travels.
I follow you on Tumblr! :D
ReplyDeleteI have to say that my favorite travel tip is that you should try to immerse yourself in the area you are in. Don't crowd yourself in your room or with your electronics. Take pictures, but don't sit on instagram or be constantly texting/calling people.
I follow you on all of the social media accounts! :)
ReplyDeleteMy best travel tip is to go with the flow and get lost. If you try to plan every minute of every day, you're going to miss out on a lot of things and people you would have discovered by just wandering around with no map.
I follow on Bloglovin! One tip... hmm... to trade phones w/ a travel buddy when adventuring. That way, when you take pictures of each other candidly (or posed!), you'll have all the ones of you on your own phone already instead of having to e-mail/iCloud/what have you!
ReplyDeleteI follow on Bloglovin :)
ReplyDeleteMy travel tip would be to pack light and allow for spontaneity. I find a tight packed itinerary is more stressful than enjoyable!
I follow you on Tumblr, Flickr and Instagram, and subscribe to get your blog posts in my email inbox. I look forward to your post everyday. My number one travel trip is to never leave home without your camera. My number two travel tip is make time to explore off the beaten path of any place you are visiting.
ReplyDeleteHey! Follow you guys on bloglovin & on facebook. Something I got into lately is checking out hashtags of places we were going to check out (for example, a specific park) on instagram. Sometimes gave me good ideas of hikes or restaurants to check out in the area!
ReplyDeleteWOW! What a giveaway! I've been following along on your adventures for 4 or 5 years now - I use Feedly (still miss the old GoogleReader days) but am thinking of cleaning [reader] house and switching to Bloglovin'.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite travel tip? Be spontaneous! Luckily I'm the navigator and he (usually) just follows along when I suddenly say we need to go down some crooked Italian alleyway or that hiking over the Andes is the only way to get to our destination ;) Adventure!
I've been following you for a few years now through Blogger (loved your Hawai'i posts :) My travel tip: Eat where the locals eat! Aloha!
ReplyDeleteI follow you on Twitter @lizh233 My travel tip-Be prepared for an emergency!
ReplyDeleteI follow on tumblr and Bloglovin and my travel tip is from the journeywoman website i haven't tried it yet but I'm a backpacker who loves rice "While traveling on the Amtrak train from Tucson to San Antonio, I noticed two Asian girls using a mini Japanese rice cooker plugged into an electrical outlet in their seating area. We ended up sharing a hotel room and they used this cooker every night to cook simple meals. It was a great way to keep expenses down when you're backpacking. If you google 'travel rice cooker' you'll find dozens of manufacturers listed."
ReplyDeleteBloglovin follower. I always research wear local hospitals are in case of emergencies.
ReplyDeletedlatany at gmail dot com
Love this! I follow on bloglovin' :) My travel tip is to bring a small, foldable backpack on every trip!
ReplyDeleteI follow on Bloglovin and tumblr (and twitter and facebook too! :)
ReplyDeleteMy travel trip is to always bring extra snacks!
I follow on Bloglovin. A good travel tip is to create a pinterest board on Pinterest with all specific restaurant, shopping, hotel, etc. info on your trip. Planning is the best part and having access to your top places at your finger tips when you need it makes for easy relaxed trip.
ReplyDeleteFollow on bloglovin laurie nykaza
ReplyDeleteI love to travle and just go with the flow and dont get to up to up tight if things happen along the way that you dont expect.
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