No one cares about photos taken while looking out airplane windows anymore because everyone can take pictures with their phones, but I'm still awestruck every time. I love getting the window seat.
I'm trying to reframe my negative thoughts about air travel because we have a long one coming up that I've been dreading. If you have any tips that help get you through international flights, I'd love to hear them. I'm not my best self on airplanes. If you ever meet me on a plane, I'm sorry in advance.
I watch this, on occasion, as a reminder to be less insufferable. You have 4 minutes to spare; it's really worth watching the whole thing. Okay, fine, you're soooo busy - here's a transcript I found of the relevant bit:
I was on an airplane and there was high-speed internet on the airplane – that’s the newest thing that I know exists. And I’m sitting on the plane and they go “open up your laptop, you can go on the internet.” And it’s fast, and I’m watching YouTube clips – it’s amazing – I’m in an airplane!” And then it breaks down, and they apologize the internet’s not working. The guy next to me goes “phfft - this is bulls%$^!” Like, how quickly the world owes him something he knew existed only ten seconds ago.
Flying is the worst one because people come back from flights and they tell you their story and it’s like a horror story – they act like their flight was like a cattle car in the forties in Germany – that’s how bad they make it sound. They’re like “it was the worst day of my life". First of all, we didn’t board for twenty minutes, and then we get on the plane and they made us sit there on the runway for forty minutes we had to sit there.” Oh really what happened next? Did you fly through the air incredibly, like a bird? Did you partake in the miracle of human flight, you non-contributing zero?! You’re flying! It’s amazing! Everybody on every plane should just constantly be going “Oh my God! Wow!” You’re flying! You’re sitting in a chair, in the sky!
These iPhone photos are from a weekend trip we took to San Diego ages ago. It was a really short flight, but there was no Wi-Fi onboard. So, it was, like, really hard you guys. - Mina

Haha so true
ReplyDeleteThe best flight tip that anyone ever gave me was to make sure I have enough entertainment (movies and music) for the whole flight plus a few hours for waiting and boarding. It's a good distraction.
ReplyDeleteAgreed. & podcasts!
DeleteI still enjoy airplane photos. I can never seem to get any very good ones though. Always seem to get a glare or a scratched up window or something!
ReplyDeleteGood luck with your long flight! I always make sure I have a book and music.
I've sat by those scratched up windows as well - so disappointing!
Delete...and thanks!
I love planes photos...They are like cheap tilt shift captures. I can't relate to your long flight drama as the farthest I have ever flown was from San Francisco to Vancouver BC. Can't wait to learn about where you guys are headed next. Breath Deep and Relax.
ReplyDelete"Cheap"! What flights are you going on? ;)
DeleteWe're headed to Hong Kong & Japan!
My international plane tips: Take warm, fuzzy socks (more comfy than shoes). Wear a maxi skirt (jeans make my legs itchy on flights). Drink lots of water. Have a good book! :)
ReplyDeleteGood tips! Although, I don't like wearing skirts on planes because I don't want something I'm wearing dragging around the scuzzy floor (esp. in the bathroom). I can't do jeans either. Leggings have worked pretty well for me.
DeleteLove the photos! But really surprised to hear you feel uncomfortable on planes! Reading your travel blog for years I always assumed you would love it! I actually really enjoy plane travel. I always bring lot's of beauty products and tunr every journey into an spa opportunity! And I enjoy watching movies. It's important to keep hydrated though.
ReplyDeleteAs for tips: Rescue Remedy drops help many people. Also have you tried meditation?
They also have a lot of very relaxing music and meditation in the inflight entertainment of many airlines.
Aw, Liv! It's been so many years. It's ridiculous that I haven't made peace with air travel yet. It definitely gets better with every flight, but I guess I'm a slow learner.
DeleteI've heard of people bringing face mists etc... Maybe I'll try that this time. Good suggestion!
And, yes! I've been trying to get into TM for a really long time but I'm kind of high strung and haven't had much success yet. I'll take your advice and use this long flight to give it a proper chance.
I still feel a bit of anxiety when I'm inside the plane. I usually distract myself by reading (i love e-books), watching movies or listening to music. And I bring my own snacks :) And all else fails, I try to sleep. Have a good trip!
ReplyDeleteYeah, bringing your own snacks is so important.
DeleteThanks, Christine!
Seriously, take Ambien if your doctor will give you a prescription. It is a complete live saver! I used to do a ton of international travel for work, and now I have the lovely flight between Australia and the U.S. to deal with. It knocks me out for at least half of the 16 hour flight. Other than that, I always try to acclimate myself to whatever time zone I'm traveling to the second I get on the plane. That coupled with Ambien has really worked for me over the years. And water! Lots and lots of water. I'm like you and prefer the window seat, so this can get troublesome with having to get out to use the toilet, ha. Where are y'all heading??
ReplyDeleteI always tell myself that I'll be organized enough to try and slowly adjust to a new time zone before leaving, but it never happens.
DeleteI'm going to take your advice and at least get the prescription. I usually use 3mg of melatonin and it does the trick once I'm on the ground, but perhaps something a little stronger in the air is a good idea.
We're going to Hong Kong and Japan! So excited about the actual trip... but that flight... whoever said it was about the journey and not the destination never sat next to someone with B.O in an airplane.
Hi Mina,
ReplyDeleteI love 9 hour flights and nothing to do. Just think around.
Maybe a nice book and a lot of nice thoughts, ideas, plans.
And definitely no internet. Manuela
I have such a hard time reading on airplanes and in cars; I'm so envious of people who are able to.
DeleteThanks for sharing this information your image is so fantastic. i love it