
an evening in marrakesh


With some time to kill before Le Foundouk opened for dinner, Alex and I wandered around and found a Berber pharmacy/spice store where some friendly young guys lured us in for a demonstration. We left with a bag of Moroccan 35 spice mix, orange blossom perfume oil, and plenty of free samples. La Terrasse des épices provided us with some pre-dinner beverages: a non-alcoholic Mojito and drink called "Le Printemps de Marrakesh" which consisted of orange juice, cane sugar, and mint syrup. We finally made our way to Le Foundouk after the sun set; it was the prettiest restaurant I've ever been to (way too dark to take decent photos) and the food was perfect. I think it's my new favourite restaurant.  There's always something beautiful around every corner in Marrakesh.

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  1. These pictures are making me insanely jealous!

  2. Beautiful photos, Mina! This brings me right back. :)
    We went to a very similar berber pharmacy demonstration. It was a different guy- I thought it was cute that they were all wearing similar black leather jackets. I came out with orange oil for stress and rose oil for under eye bags. I don't know if they're making much of a difference but they feel good and smell yummy!

  3. Oh I so wish I was able to travel as much as y'all do!

  4. stunning photos! Makes me want to wander around the narrow alleys looking for spices!

  5. The colors are so vibrant! Amazing pictures! And that Mojito looks amazing ;)

  6. You capture the raw beauty of cities so effortlessly...love it! Great colors too! :)

  7. Should I ever get to Morocco again, I'd love to visit Marrakesh (though admittedly I'm a bit scared!) That wheatpaste of the girl is such a cool find - I definition wouldn't expect to see street art in the souk!!

  8. OK, that settles it - I need to go back to Marrakech immediately. I will never tire of looking at your photos.

  9. These photos are so stunning! Night photography is something I have yet to master.

    These photos are another reason why I want to live in Morrocco!

  10. What a fun situation to find yourself in :)

  11. Gorgeous pics as always! I got sucked into one of those pharmacies as well, but ended up buying some amazing rose moisturizer that I cherished.

  12. Those doors! Amazing pics! I would love to go that restaurant!

  13. I really like the shot of the stencil art through that pink doorway! ;D

  14. its going to sound trite, but the COLORS! i love.

  15. Your photos are absolutely amazing! Wow! Everything is stunning. Been looking through a lot of your posts about Morocco. I'm heading there in a few weeks for my first time.




