bahia palace fisheyes • 8 comments • I'm glad we brought our fisheye camera on this trip (even if most of the pictures turned out kind of dark or blurry). These are our lomo photos from Bahia Palace: Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Pin this Post FILED UNDER AFRICA, BAHIA PALACE, FISHEYE, LOMO, LOMOGRAPHY, MARRAKECH, MARRAKESH, MOROCCO You Might Also Like hello casablancaback to marrakeshbahia palace12 years 8 comments Liesl15.2.12I just adore looking at all your pictures and reading your are both too cute and what fun pictures!Liesl :)ReplyDeleteRepliesReplyhaley15.2.12These are so fun! Fisheye cameras make everything so much fun :)ReplyDeleteRepliesReplyilene @ muchloveilly15.2.12fisheye lens are the best!ReplyDeleteRepliesReplyThis Battered Suitcase15.2.12These are great! I think it's so awesome when people bring fun cameras on their travels...ReplyDeleteRepliesReplySum15.2.12I usually don't like fish eye effect, but these are some cool pictures.ReplyDeleteRepliesReplyTricia16.2.12These are fun shots!ReplyDeleteRepliesReplyPoetessWug16.2.12Very nice! :-) Even the dark ones!ReplyDeleteRepliesReplyAndi of My Beautiful Adventures17.2.12Such a cool lens!ReplyDeleteRepliesReplyAdd commentLoad more... ← →
I just adore looking at all your pictures and reading your are both too cute and what fun pictures!
ReplyDeleteLiesl :)
These are so fun! Fisheye cameras make everything so much fun :)
ReplyDeletefisheye lens are the best!
ReplyDeleteThese are great! I think it's so awesome when people bring fun cameras on their travels...
ReplyDeleteI usually don't like fish eye effect, but these are some cool pictures.
ReplyDeleteThese are fun shots!
ReplyDeleteVery nice! :-) Even the dark ones!
ReplyDeleteSuch a cool lens!