
two thousand and eleven


This year was a very welcomed change in pace from the last two - less moving, and fewer airplanes, trains, and buses. 

A recap of of 2011:

The new year began in Times Square where we spent a layover to see what NYE in NYC was like. January in Montreal was significantly warmer than the Winnipeg winters we're used to, but we still  tried to stay indoors for most of it because we're wimps. For my birthday, we went to Au Pied De Cochon and had an incredibly delicious meal.

In February, we took a road trip to Quebec City for the Carnaval festivities, where we experienced tire d'érable, grabbed some poutine for lunch, and had amazing hearty dinners to warm us at night. 

We spent a lot of time in museums in March, tried some new restaurants, and spent too much time on the metro running errands.

In April, we visited some vintage stores on Amherst and St. Catherine to try and put the last touches on our home.

The Arctic Monkeys visited Montreal in May and I was thrilled to finally see them live. Sometimes, Alex and I still celebrate the anniversary of the day we started dating - we went to Liverpool House this year and I tried the lobster spaghetti that a lot of people here rave about.

The warm weather in June had us outdoors more often - in Mont Royal Park, and kayaking on the Lachine. We didn't see the moon eclipse in Montreal, but I took a photo of it anyway. After living in Montreal for nearly a year, we finally visited Schwartz's and spent an afternoon having tea at Maitre de Chocolatier.

On Canada day, we watched fireworks and ate french fries (from frite alors!) in Old Port. We also visited record stores, tested out our new tandem bike, and learned how to fix it, and we finally saw Paul McCartney live. July was fun.

There aren't too many photos from August - the month full of bike rides. I'm happy we captured one evening on video:

We indulged in Halloween apples, in October, and saw a free Arcade Fire show, and Alex made a really sweet video for our 2 year wedding anniversary.

Alex's birthday was in November and I baked my very first cake for him! Other highlights included a trip to the biodome and the big bang exhibit.

We left for Paris in December and spent some time wandering around the city in the rain. Next we headed to Morocco and spent Christmas Eve in the Sahara Desert, under the stars. It was such an unbelievable experience and it will likely take us a little while to get all the photos and stories up here, but we'll get around to it all eventually. 

Happy 2012!!

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  1. I love your giant collage of 2011! What an eventful year :)

  2. This is super cute - I love the collage. Happy New Year!!

  3. Happy New Year to you both!! I'm delighted to hear you love Montreal :)


  4. what a year! and what a photo collage! I've so enjoyed following all your adventures. Happy New Year Mina & Alex!!!

  5. Happy New Year! Hope it's as full of fun stuff as 2011 was for you :)

  6. I love blogger year-recaps! Just stumbled upon your blog and love all these photos! It was a nice way to quickly get to "know you"! Happy New Year :) :)

  7. Anonymous4.1.12

    wow mina, loving your blog and can't wait to explore your travelogues!

    hope u make it to turks and caicos for some fun diving some day!

    xx j

  8. Way behind on my blog reading--I didn't realize you guys had already left on your next big trip. Happy travels!

  9. that collage is great! i may need to create my own!




