


There's a scene in 500 Days of Summer that is just perfect; it's about expectations vs. reality. I try to live by a "hope for the best and expect the worst" kind of attitude but usually just end up omitting the last bit and that sometimes leads to disappointment. So, when I saw that the weather forecast read heavy rain for our time in Paris, I hoped it would be wrong and that there would just be a light drizzle... but I brought a coat with a hood (that was my "expect the worst"). The weather was horrendous. I had pinned out every point for every place I wanted to go on a google map and figured out how much time it would take for each. When we arrived at our accommodations, I was so cold and damp that I sat by the heater for nearly an hour nursing a cup of too hot tea. So, we didn't stick to my schedule; we abandoned it.... and had an amazing time despite the weather. When I was younger, I might have sulked and missed out, but we made the most of the city. And as they so often do, The Beatles said sang it best in their song about rain "it's just a state of mind". -Mina

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  1. It rained for the first few days we were in Paris too and that was in august lol. You're right though its a state of mind and its still Paris :) I'm glad you had a great time in spite of the weather

  2. Anonymous18.12.11

    I'm so glad you still had a good time! At least you still got to go! And even with the rain, those shops are so adorable! I love finding places where they look like that - there aren't really any where I live!


  3. Anonymous18.12.11

    Despite the rainy weather, it's awesome that you were able to make the best of your time there :)


  4. Hubby and I have had some of our best vacations in places where rain tried to spoil the time. If you abandon expectation you can sometimes find a wealth of great memories in the most unexpected places...And apparently you did! ^_^

  5. i love that scene of 500 days.
    i have mixed feelings about that movie as a whole, but that scene in particular is perfection.

  6. I'm glad you still had a great time, despite the rain.

    I love that scene from the movie, it's the best part!

  7. At least the forecast wasn't wrong! When I went to Paris in early September, it was foretasted 70* and sunny. um, try 50* and rainy. It wasnt cold and wet the whole time, but I was pretty bummed (at first) and seriously un prepared!!

  8. Happy to hear that you still enjoyed your time in Paris!! And also, it is never bad weather, but only bad clothing as my dad used to tell me :)
    Sending you some sunshine from Melbourne, but I am sure the weather will be perfect in Morocco! Have fun!

  9. Paris is fabulous, even in the rain : )

  10. That's one of my favourite scenes of that movie - I can identify with it so clearly! It's so awesome that you made the best of the rain and had such a great time. It's hard not to in Paris, I find.

  11. lovely photo and adventure. it's cliche, but very true, that things are how you make them.

  12. I wished my forecast warning has been wrong but..... the dreariness continues! Glad you had a good time despite the mess !

  13. oh, ive had two big vacations messed up by the rain. i wish i had your attitude, man. i need some more lessons in that :)

  14. I love that scene from 500 Days of Summer. That is one of my favorite movies of all times!! :D And btw, your blog is so pretty and lovely - i'm following now xx

    Care to check out my blog? I write about life, love, and happiness : )

    - missshesaid.blogspot.com <3

  15. I was just watching "Midnight in Paris" last night and all the main character wants to do is stroll through Paris in the rain...but I imagine that's a lot rougher in winter!

  16. Oh you stopped at my hometown ;)

  17. Anonymous2.1.12

    Oh, I love that movie scene! And Paris is special, even when it rains!

  18. I totally live by "hope for the best and expect the worst. I'm glad you still enjoyed yourselves despite the weather!




