


Yesterday we grabbed breakfast at Eggspectations before a day of shopping on Rue Amherst. We agreed that, with a name like "eggspectations", we should have been served better than average eggs. They were just regular eggs - not bad, but not great. So, we wouldn't recommend the place unless you go there with lowered eggspectations (I couldn't help myself, forgive me). 

The shops on Amherst street were like stepping into my parents house in the 80's. The whole street is lined with stores selling mid-century modern furniture and a lot of teak.  It made me wish I knew more about things like Eames chairs and design in general. There was a beautiful original egg chair in one of the shops but, alas, I wasn't prepared to drop $5000 on it and it really wouldn't go in our space. Someday...


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  1. Hi! I recently came across your blog and I think it's great. Especially your photographs. My blog is mostly about the places I go, but I post about the city I live in as well (Abu Dhabi). It will be interesting to see what you're working on!


  2. Hi guys... I'm intrigued to see just what this project is you're working on. I love following your adventures! My blog is about a little bit of everything, but I occasionally ramble on about my humble hometown (small-town Columbus, MS)...


  3. that breakfast looks heavenly

  4. Ugh, disappointing breakfasts are the worst. That's why I love diners. The price and expectations are low, but they deliver every single time.

  5. hey! how it going? i'm from Toronto, Canada and post about it all the time!



  6. Anonymous11.4.11

    Hi Alex and Mina! My name's Margot and I've just recently discovered your blog. It's been so great because I just recently graduated from McGill University and moved from Montreal back home to The Netherlands, and I feel as though I constantly get transported back to Montreal through you guys! So thank you for that!

    I've been blogging for almost a year now, and even though I'm based in The Netherlands, I've blogged about Montreal, as well as the cities Paris and London. Take a look: http://maevdkrogt.wordpress.com. (Scroll down to the category cloud to see specific Montreal, Paris, Amsterdam, London posts!)

    Would love to hear from you!

  7. That smoothie looks absolutely delicious! I've never been to Canada but I would love to explore.

    P.S. Make sure to check out my blog today for a special discount on some adorable clothes from Lulus.com!

  8. original Eames...be still my heart!

  9. ALWAYS posting photographs of the city I live in! (Boston) As well as other New England locales, specifically Cape Cod, New Hampshire and Vermont! you know where to find me :)

  10. that egg toast looks divine! YUM!


  11. the first is so cute !

  12. you pictures are always so captivating!
    kisses from MILWAUKEE.


  13. Hah.. I liked your joke. And that first image.. yum!

    I have yet to post photos of where I currently live, but will definitely have to get those up soon!

  14. Hello! I blog about living in Singapore and our travels.

    Jeffrey and Flora

  15. Hi! I like your blog. There is an Eggspectations in Silver Spring, MD, near where I used to live for many years. We would go there sometimes - nothing great, but a huge menu with a lot of choices. But what really blew my mind was when I found an Eggspectations in the Vasant Vihar neighborhood of New Delhi, India. I used to spend a lot of time over there working and it was kind of fun to go there sometimes for a breakfast like from home. It is not a big franchise, so it was just weird to me to find it in Delhi. I blog about life in Salt Lake City, Utah where I just moved last year from a lifetime on the east coast of the US (mostly in Washington, DC). Very new world. Also blog about time spent out in Joshua Tree area of the Mojave desert in California where we are going to build an off-grid home. And finally, just life travels. www.myscenicbyway.com

  16. i've been to that eggpectations and i agree...i was "eggs"pecting more...bahahaha

  17. That shake looks delicious, but I know what you mean about eggspectations. There was one in Ottawa, and I remember going with Andre+being kind of disappointed.

  18. those shops look fantastic!! great furniture and design stuff. I would also love to have an Eames chair, but the price tag is always a bit too high...
    And yes, I am regularly sharing pictures of Bern and I would (for sure) love to be part of whatever you are planning!! Keep me updated!
    Have a lovely day!

  19. oh oh, I blog about Leeds - I'm intrigued about your project now :)

  20. it's always such a disappointment when you have high expectations for a meal.
    I look forward to seeing what is in store... I post a fair amount about my adopted home here in Germany.

  21. I like the name of the breakfast place- it reminded me of this egg-themed episode of Full House where there were words like eggcited and eggxit.

    Can't wait to read about the project you're working on. I blog about different things, but mostly on my travels and my life in Bangkok.

  22. Hej Alex & Mina...from from Malmö, Sweden.

    I've been reading your blog for a while now so maybe it's finally time I identify myself :) I have two blogs at the moment, one about my gypsy travels and the other about my life in Sweden. Check them out when you get a chance and let me know if I can help at all with your new project.


    P.S. Keep up the great work! x

  23. Well even if it wasn't great eggspectations, that breakfast sure does look eggceptional!

  24. How sad! Mediocre eggs! Boo.

    I post pictures of Portland on my blog!


  25. Many thanks for your visit to my blog and comment. I love the vintage shops in Montreal and always visit at least once a year!

  26. Hi! I'm a little late in commenting, but I'd love to participate! I'm a new follower to your blog and absolutely love all of the beautiful pictures you post. At my travel blog, misadventuresoftravelgirl.blogspot.com, I've posted several pictures of my hometown, Los Angeles, and will soon be posting many pictures of my new home, Chicago.

    Look forward to reading you more!

  27. I'm a new follower as well but being an ex Montreal-er now living in Sydney Australia I am really enjoying reading up on your discoveries on one of my favourite cities! Makes me homesick. Anyways I'm VERY new to the blog scene and have only just started mine, mainly to share with our loved ones back up in the Northern Hemisphere! But I'm looking forward posting more and more!


  28. My blog is http://byov.blogspot.com/

    But you're more likely to find photos of my hometown under the 'pgh' label.

  29. wow these pictures are making me hungry! hungry for food and thrifting! the smoothie image is my fave :)

  30. I have tons of pics of Hong Kong!


  31. Hi!

    I do Paris places & the likes. Lots of randomness in Paris, that's for sure!





