
nye times two


New Years Eve in Times Square was out of control. I had a feeling it wouldn't be our scene but decided it might be amusing to check it out anyway because we didn't know what else to do. It was fun, but exhausting. Confetti, streamers, silly hats and sparkly 2011 sunglasses were plentiful.

We actually celebrated 'the countdown' twice. The first was on the flight from Madrid to NYC. They served "champagne" (sparkling wine) at midnight (Spain time) and the passengers* decided to do away with the usual airplane etiquette and partied on the plane:

We were in New York during the summer when there was an attempted bomb attack, so we expected extra high security, but were still shocked to see full combat gear and rifles.  There were so many police and they seemed angry -  which was also to be expected, I suppose, considering they had to talk to drunk people all evening. There's nothing more sad than a pretty girl in a pretty dress stumbling around with smeared lipstick and vomit in her hair.  Last year for NYE, we went to see a friend's band play. This year: an 8 hour plane ride and dodging drunks in Times Square. Next year, we've vowed to get into our pajamas at 10pm and watch the countdown on TV with a cup of hot chocolate - no more crazy shenanigans for us (I say that now, but I'll probably be eating my words).


*I'm not sure if this is accurate, but I think I found an explanation for their makeshift head-wear here

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  1. I lived through three NYEs in NYC and never went to Times Square. In fact, I lived eight blocks from there (and worked at Conde Nast IN Times Square for two years) and avoided it on Dec. 31 like the plague. I'm not one for big crowds. But I do like seeing photos and video footage from other people's visits there =)

  2. Happy New Year, you two! I spent that evening in Brooklyn, more low key than Times Square, but not exempt from the drunk girls with vomit in their hair. I'm totally doing something fancy at home next year.

  3. i think i would be annoyed if a party broke out on my plane ride...i usually just want to sleep! :)

  4. Happy New Year, Mina! We watched the balldrop from the couch, all nice and cozy :) - I've always wondered how all those intoxicated people in Times Square manage to hold it til the balldrops hahaha NYC is always a doozy for public restrooms. ANyways, that was my random thought of the day! xoxo!

  5. yes, i'm with roxy..always wondered how you secure a good location for 12 hours without leaving it for pot0john break..and stepping thru the party liquids...if u know what i mean.
    i think it would be fun to have a hotel roof top or window view!

    interesting to hear your nye tale :) happy new year to you!

  6. wow that does seem a bit crazy...while i love a good party i can't agree more on what an awesome idea it is to call it a night and cozy up to watch the ball drop! sounds so nice :)

    happy new year, here's to the next adventure!

  7. That's a pretty awesome NYE you two had! Man, I miss Spain, so jealous y'all were there for Christmas!

  8. I love the action on the plane!! How fun :) Happy new year Alex and Mara!

  9. how fun! i'm glad you guys had fun. we should definitely go to those other restaurants together next time you're in town. happy new year!

  10. The video of people on the plane is really funny.

    I spent this New Year's in Shanghai and as fun as it was, I could do next year's New Year's on the couch, too.


  11. Sounds like a fantastic New Year.... twice in the same day! I'd love to experience one on the plane, it looks like fun! And Times Square is a classic.... beautiful pics! Happy New Year to you both! Can't wait to see you in Japan! xx

  12. I've actually been on a plane from Chicago to Madrid on New Year's Eve/Day too! Luckily there was no party on my plane. I might be a grouse, but I like to sleep on my flights.

  13. HAHAHAHA that video. so funny, i love it!

    i stayed home on NYE, mostly because i was sick, but let me tell you - it was glorious. ;) we watched the ball drop from our couch w/ pajamas and blankets and warm food... so good. however, i've always wanted to spend new year's in NYC at least once in my life. (although, now i'm not so sure ;))

  14. The plane party is hilarious! What a fun bunch of people. A dance party in the aisles broke out on a ghetto Romanian bus we were on recently, but its hard to imagine that happening on a plane where everything is so orderly. Awesome!

    Happy New Year, you two.

  15. At least you can say you experienced Times Square on NYE!

    funny, we literally stayed home, in our pj's and drank hot chocolate {with bailey's} while watching it on tv. It was great!

    Happy New Year!

  16. That is so fun! I love it.

  17. Amazing!!!!!!!!!!! So jealous you got to celebrate 2 NYE's, my fave day of the year. Love this post!




