
centro de arte contemporáneo


The Center for Contemporary Art in Malaga was empty when we visited. It made for a pleasant experience because we were able to take our time admiring the avant-garde work that was being exhibited.  The well curated museum had a very minimalistic approach and the pieces were thoughtful - some were a bit crude (for example, a mannequin with a bucket between her legs, I'll let you infer what was in the bucket yourself), but overall it was inspiring. 

There's also a great shop attached to the museum where I picked up a few things for our new place. Like the museum, there was no one in the shop so the girl working there was watching videos on youtube - this video in particular. If you follow me on twitter, you know I've tweeted about this kid's hilarious singing and ukulele skills, so she and I bonded over our mutual admiration of him and had a good laugh. The internet has made the world so small.


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  1. Love that last picture of you walking away! You look like you're part of the exhibit.

  2. i am obsessing over that first photo!

  3. I love the first photo! I also love that it's all black and white - I love wandering around art galleries when they're empty, so much better when they're crowded and noisy. :) xxxZ

  4. Anonymous12.1.11

    What an amazing place, I'd love to visit it.

    That kid is the cutest thing ever!

    Camila F.

  5. All the exhibitions look very interesting. In some of the photos, you both completely blend in!

  6. Gorgeous photos! It looks like an amazing place to spend the day admiring art!

  7. This looks so cool and unique! I want to go :) Anyways, I love living vicariously through your blog- it's always great inspiration when planning my next trip!

    hearts and hugs,

  8. Such beautiful photos! Wow. You two fit in perfectly there. :D

  9. Love the first photo with Alex, so great! Looks like an interesting place!
    Viele Gruesse, Kristina

  10. what a fun museum. wish we had more stuff like that in vegas!

  11. i love that first photo of alex.

    that museum looks like fun. do you find that you're reminded of your wedding week when you see modern art in a museum? some of the photos you took look like they could have been from the lacma. :)

  12. unfortunately only a pile of garbage




