the ghost of a saber tooth tiger


We took the trip to Williamsburg to see The Ghost of a Saber Tooth Tiger - a duo that consists of Sean Lennon and his super-hot girlfriend, Charlotte Kemp Muhl. It was a pretty intimate set and Sean stood next to us for the entire opening act. I was too nervous to say hi, so I didn't ...and I kind of regret it. I'm sure he's nice, but the place was filled with too-cool-for-school hipsters and I felt that I needed to curb my enthusiasm.

Articles I've read about the lovebirds have described their music as everything from whimsical, psychedelic folk-pop to post-apocalyptic, french-inspired love songs. I think the lyrics to their songs are strangely beautiful and Alex and I have both been listening to them quite a bit these days.

I enjoyed a few songs from Sean Lennon's solo career, but am absolutely in love with The GOASTT. There are a few videos from the evening on our youtube channel, if you'd like to have a look. We were standing pretty close to the speakers, so the sound quality is not too crisp.

Some rowdy fans started screaming at them to play 'Into The Sun' from Sean Lennon's 1998 solo debut. They were good sports about it and played the song even though he seemed to have forgotten the chords/lyrics. It was acoustic,  so the sound on this particular video is decent:

I took these photos at Union Pool, a bar that has a backyard patio with a fish taco truck that sells corn on the cob! We're kinda hoping that we can make our way back to New York from time to time to catch more shows like this one.

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  1. Yeah, they're pretty much as hip as it gets, Williamsburg, taco trucks and all :-) I'm pretty sure that if I was in the same room with anyone sharing John Lennon's DNA I wouldn't be as successful at keeping my cool, so well done!

  2. Oh this is so great! I'm seeing them next week here in Belgium! Thanks for the little preview!

  3. Great photos! That sheer dress is something else. She's gorgeous... totally pulls it off.

  4. your photography is stunning!!

  5. magical fun!!! i think i have a new girl crush...

    fairy lights and live music? how can you go wrong. :)

  6. gahhh-these are amazing, I wish I could have seen them play, and been able to witness all the hipsters ... I would have fit right in ;)

  7. that looks like a really awesome show! i will have to check out their tunes, sounds fun!

  8. so amazing. i've always wanted to see him live.

  9. Hot dang, she is super hot. And her dress is see through haha

  10. What great shots you got. They are rawkin!

    She is beautiful too.

  11. Yes yes yes, tomorrow (12/14) I'm going to their gig in Amsterdam, Paradiso. Not sold out yet. Just 100 tix sold, so this will be a pretty intimate concert.

    Love the CD. Really looking forward to it.

  12. ah yeah totally agree.. both of them are hot!




