


After an overwhelming number of emails/facebook messages/comments etc... saying we HAD to go to Grimaldi's if we were looking for the best pizza in NYC, we figured that the collective opinion of so many people had to hold some merit - so we saved it for last. Some people did tell us to skip it because it was just a tourist spot, but we went anyway because, after all, we are tourists. 

When we arrived, there was quite the queue. This photo of the boy at the end of the line pretty much sums up how we were feeling about it:

Grimaldi's doesn't take reservations, so there's no way around waiting. We don't think you can even call in your pick-up order in advance. The host/owner is known to be a bit of a curmudgeon and was shooing people off the sidewalk who weren't standing within the rope (including a woman with a stroller while we were having a conversation with her and her husband). He was really friendly to us though, and we chatted a bit about our travels. By a stroke of luck, a table for two became available and everyone in front of us was in a bigger group so we got to avoid the line!

Any place with photos of Frank Sinatra all over the walls has to be good, right? We shared an 18" pie for about $15. It was definitely delicious and probably the best we had out of the handful of pizzerias we visited.

This is our last restaurant post from NYC - so sad! We have a few more things from our time in New York this past summer to share with you, and then we'll finally be moving on next week!

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  1. this place looks amazing. Photos of Frank Sinatra are also a good thing in my book

  2. I've been waiting for this post!! So glad you guys enjoyed it :)

  3. So glad y'all enjoyed it. Grimaldi's is our fave!

  4. I've never been here, mostly for fear of the line. I have a hard time giving in to the tourist places, too. But they're popular for a reason, right? And when we travel, like it or not, we're all tourists! I'll put it on my list and make sure to go in a small group :-)

  5. Excellent shots, mmmmmmm!!! Congratulations!!!

    Frank, Barcelona


  6. That looks so delicious!! I'll have to put that on my NY list.

  7. That pizza looks so amazing!



  8. man! i waited in this line-up 6 months ago (and ha. i think i'd still be waiting) but never got in. so i had to leave New York without tasting the infamousness.

    but good to see that SOMONE got in! that's awesome!
    better luck next time for me!

  9. wow busy pizza place, I never even been here too. Thanks for the share..but the line seem so long, how long did you waited? hehe

  10. oh my gosh . NEED to go there

  11. that line is unreal! but i still want to go here....




