
conan o'brien and friends


After the show, we were getting ready to leave when we ran into Preparation H Raymond!! His real name is Brian McCann and he was an actor on Late Night and is a writer for Conan O'Brien. He was really friendly - such a nice guy!

Reggie Watts was hanging around talking to fans in the lobby/foyer of Radio City Music Hall. We said hi, he gave us a signed poster and posed for this provocative photo with Alex:

We stopped to buy a Conan lithograph on our way out. Usually, we make a point of not buying the tour merchandise at concerts because it's incredibly overpriced and it ends up on eBay, for a couple of dollars, a month later. We really liked the design of the poster though and it was small, so we decided to pick one up instead of trying to locate it later. Then Andy Richter showed up:

We finally made our way outside where we saw Robert Smigel (voice of Triumph The Insult Comic Dog and creator of The Ambiguously Gay Duo) and La Bamba!!

Some guy told us that we should go around the corner of the building because Conan was going to be coming out to meet fans. There were a lot of people there and we got separated.

Conan was really peppy and did a little dance for the crowd, took pictures with people, and he signed our print! It was definitely one of the best nights we had in New York - we're so so glad we followed through with our ridiculous plan!

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  1. How awesome!! How was the show?!

  2. Ahhh! I am insanely jealous. How awesome that you got to see the show AND meet him and the crew!

  3. Whoa, you guys are everywhere!

  4. wow! great shots!

  5. I was lucky enough to see him in Boston as well. Best show EVER! I nearly peed my pants laughing. Hope you guys caught his TBS show that premiered last night -- wherever you are...

  6. Awesome! Glad it was worth it!

  7. I found the previous post to be misleading. There are pictures of Alex or Mina with _______ (insert name of other minor celebrities here), and pictures of Conan, but no pictures of Alex/Mina + Conan.

    I was expecting pictures of you guys hanging out with Conan, based on yesterday's 'stay tuned' hype. Haha.

    Also, I always forget how not-current this blog is, in the sense of these being events you attended months ago and are only catching up on writing about now. Alex had that Reggie Watts picture as his Facebook profile (seemingly) ages ago.

    Anyway, it's neat to see that you guys are meeting so many celebrities. You should do some kind of year-end "famous people we met in 2010" montage. Also, a "food we ate in 2010" montage.

  8. How cool! We had something come up when he came to Austin so we didnt get to see him. He's so handsome! :) Glad you enjoyed the show! How did you like his new TV show last night?

  9. Sara Szatmary - The post before this one is kinda about the actual show.

    janis - Thank you!

    emily - His parents were at that show right? It must have been a special one for his hometown.

    Space Astronomy - Yeah, we got separated so we didn't have each other to take a photo… but we exchanged a few words and he signed my 'Legally Prohibited from being Funny on Television' lithograph. I'm excited about that. Are you trying to make us feel bad for being terrible bloggers? You've mentioned that before. This isn't a current events blog. I don't know about the celebrity montage, it wouldn't be that exciting.

    Dana - We did and loved it. The song he did with Jack White was kind of odd… I really liked their previous collaboration though, on the Denial Twist video with Michel Gondry. Very 'Science of Sleep'.

  10. aw coco, so cute he is

  11. im always surprised by the 'negative' comments you get. people telling YOU how to blog. imagine.

    keep doing what you're doing. seriously, most of us arent crazy judgemental!


  12. Yup! He actually grew up in Brookline (where I currently reside)...shhhhh. So he reminisced with all of us about local Boston area favorites. He even did a song to play homage to his hometown. I added the video to my Team Coco blog.


  13. eeeeeeeee!!!! that is SOOOO awesome!! i loooove conan and everyone from his crew, especially la bamba, what a hoot!! wow that is so cool :)

  14. looks like so much fun!




