
the artist is present


We made it a priority to go to the MoMA during our layover last winter because, at the time, we weren't sure when we'd return to the city. When we did get back to New York, it didn't stop us from going to the museum almost every Friday evening before dinner for about three weeks in a row. It's free on Fridays (thanks Target)!

Marina Abramović, a performance artist based in NYC, was there for her exhibit, "The Artist is Present", where she sat, motionless, in a chair while an audience member was encouraged to sit across from her. This went on for just over 736 hours. We watched for about 5 minutes.

According to The New York Times, this retrospective was "the biggest performance exhibition that MoMA has mounted". Apparently, James Franco (swoon!) and Bjork were in attendance.

We didn't take any photos of the 6th floor portion of the exhibit, which made us blush. About 30 completely nude models were standing around, posing under skeletons, and suspended from walls. One doorway had a man and a woman facing each other and you had to walk in between them to enter. After watching others brush by their bits, we opted to find an alternative route.

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  1. wow- what a cool exhibit. and its cute that you guys blushed at the 30 nudes, i think i would feel the slightest bit akward as well...



  2. At least she sat on a pillow.

  3. I heard about this. I'm really not a fan of performance art, but you had me at 'James Franco.'

  4. I heard about this. I'm really not a fan of performance art, but you had me at 'James Franco.'

  5. I heard about this. I'm really not a fan of performance art, but you had me at 'James Franco.'

  6. interesting (and admittingly!) awkward exhibits!!

    im sure it was quite the experience!




