
rice to riches


We would like to preface this post with the fact that, prior to visiting New York, we hated rice pudding. We hated the texture, we hated the flavour, and we hated how it looks. So, naturally, when we came across a place that ONLY serves rice pudding, it made complete sense to go in.

After dinner at Lombardi's, we made our way to the subway to make it back to our hotel, but not before noticing a building that was so brightly lit that you couldn't help but wonder what was going on inside. We peered in and realized that it was a place that one of our lovely readers had recommended. The cheeky signs lured us in. Rice to Riches is a trendy spot in NoLIta that has rice pudding in every flavor you could imagine.

It was difficult to decide on a flavor. We didn't want to commit to buying two desserts so we shared one. We settled on french toast flavored pudding with strawberries on top. It was unbelievable.

We would buy this by the buckets if we lived in NYC (because you actually can) and you can also get it delivered (like everything else in New York) and then we could get fat in the privacy of our own homes until we overdosed on delicious rice pudding.

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  1. No skinny bitches!! HAHA I love it.

  2. Oh wheee! We tried out this place as well! We have the same photos of the signs! They were so catchy, we couldn't help but walk in to try their rice puddings! Did you notice the urn on a shelf?

  3. Hahah, "skinny bitches" that's really funny :)
    Nice place :)

  4. I lvoe the last photo - I love rice pudding so I'm definitely going there one day!

  5. the signs in this place are hilarious! And you look so cute infront of that giant coconut and cantaloupe!

  6. Oh my goodness! I remember seeing this in the movie Hitch and wondering what kind of place serves only rice pudding... Now I know!

  7. this so looks like my kinda place. the next time i'm in NYC i'll definitely be checking it out!

  8. that places looks so fun!

  9. And this is exactly why I couldn't eat at Lombardis... because I just had rice pudding at Rice to Riches! I love that place. The pudding is bomb and the signs are hilarious!! Everything about it is cool. Glad you tried it!! :)

  10. what a great place, love the signs :)

  11. this place is seriously hilarious! it would not have been the same if you hadn't posted the little signs! you guys are awesome!

  12. Yum! That looks amazing!

  13. I've never heard of this place before. Looks delicious even though I've never tried rice pudding. I wonder if they have on in LA? ..looking it up

  14. rice to riches is kind of touristy but we absolutely LOVE it. we have SOOOO many spoons and containers from it that we use as tupperware in our apartment. our fave it sex, drugs and rocky road.

  15. My favorite spot, I post about this on my blog before too. Their rich pudding is so yummy! Have you been to cupecake cafe on 19th st?




