
late night with jimmy fallon


Jimmy Fallon seems like the happiest man alive. We sat in on one of his monologue rehearsals and were attended a full show taping. He was constantly smiling or laughing with his staff and The Roots, even during commercials breaks (unlike David Letterman, but more on that later). We know he's not the funniest comedian, but we love him anyway because he's just such a happy dude. Check us out in the back row, clapping out of time (we can be spotted near the end of the video):

Anyway, we got boring guests. We can't even remember the name of the actress, there was the winner of American Idol (not fans of that show), and Circa Survive. Sorry if you like the band, but seriously, they are really really awful.... AND the lead singer accosted Alex. (!!)

When we were standing in line for the monologue rehearsal, some guy asked us if we wanted to play instruments in the battle of the bands. We were too embarrassed to participate, so we declined. Then for the full show, someone asked us if we wanted to be on stage with Circa Survive and Alex volunteered the both of us to be on stage, despite the fact that neither of us were familiar with the band. They kept telling us to "really rock out" and to "look psyched". I was mortified. I rarely even look enthusiastic about things I actually enjoy, so they were asking a lot of me.

We sat in the back row during the show and then they escorted the people who they chose to the stage and tried to hype us up by telling us that the lead singer was "crazy". He was like a greasier, less talented version of Billy Talent's frontman - his nasal voice was irritating so I'll spare you the video of the performance. At some point, he started hugging Alex and pulling his hair. Some screen shots from the episode:

Where am I, you ask? I was hiding behind one of the emo-hipsters so as not to appear on television. I was successful in my endeavor!

Despite the crappy guests and the hair-pulling, we both had a great time. We got to see The Roots live and for free! They're so incredibly good and they played Thought@Work during the commercial break (the one with The Beatles' Hey Bulldog sample). Also, did we mention that we love Jimmy? - Mina

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  1. Ugh, I hate looking excited on command. I can't say I blame you for hiding... I would have been mortified, too.

  2. Hahaha! I love that you were hiding! Jimmy Fallon would be so fun to see.

  3. That last picture is hilarious.

    Is there video of this happening?

    Also, were they just asking for random volunteers to go onstage, or did they figure you guys looked young and hip enough to fit in with the other people they chose?

  4. Sounds like a great time! I agree Jimmy Fallon seems like a really happy guy and I love The Roots.

  5. Awesome Mina! Sounds fun. I love Jimmy Fallon and def the Roots. Questlove is hilarious.

  6. Awesome Mina! Sounds fun. I love Jimmy Fallon and def the Roots. Questlove is hilarious.

  7. Space Astronomy: Sort of. The whole episode is on the Late Night page... but, at the moment the guy pulls Alex's hair, they cut to something else. We were wondering if they were concerned about some sort of liability issue or if it was just complete coincidence. Usually, the bands have real fans that want to go up on stage, but they had to beg people for these guys. I don't know if they were going for a "look", but they didn't seem to be asking people that looked over 30.

    jolie jamie: Since there weren't many people at the monologue rehearsal, I waved at Questlove - and he waved back! It made my day.

  8. this is AMAZING! i have become the biggest jimmy fallon fan in the last few months and i'm so jealous you got to see his show. i'm sorry to hear there were some awful parts (hair pulling? really?) but how cool to be there and see jimmy!

  9. oh gawd, I would be hiding too... everyone looks slightly unsure of the lead singer.

    Crappy guests aside, how fun to see Jimmy and The Roots!

  10. p.s. I officially have that song in my head now... let's hope I don't accidentally start singing "balls in my mouth, balls in my mouth.." aloud at work.

  11. hi hi! I just stumbled upon your sweet little blog and couldn't help but hit the follow button! I look forward to following your adventures in the future! xo, Kate

  12. i LOVE jimmy! oh my goodness, he's darling. it makes me sad when people say he's not funny... i mean, he's not the funniest dude in the world, but how can you not smile looking at that cheerful face?! ;) he's so likable. i've had a little crush on him for years, he's adorable. i would love to go to his show one day, he's awesome. and i love the roots!

  13. Ohh this made me laugh. Andre and I were on Jimmy Fallon the last time we were in NY and the musical act was someone named The Dream and they totally dragged us on stage to dance right behind him and I remember we had no clue how to act so we started doing this really dorky dance which ended up being on tv!! (i didn't tell anyone, I was too embarrassed.. well except for my mother and now You haha

  14. Hahaha that's really cool that you got to go to a live taping of his show. I remember going to a taping of TRL live in Manhattan when I was about 14, and making it on camera was the highlight of my life at that time lol!

  15. how fun!!! even though the guests were blah, what a treat to see jimmy and of course see the roots perform!!! that's funny you were hiding...made me giggle :)

  16. I love Jimmy and The Roots too! how lucky are you guys!!

  17. I love Jimmy Fallon so much!




