
people watching / peeping


Our hotel was located on the very busy Pyramids Rd. in Giza. The traffic never let up. Eventually, we learned to tune out the constant noise of horns, but the occasional screech and crash would always have us running to the window to see what happened.

It was also amusing to watch as pedestrians did their best to cross the road. With our birds-eye view it almost seemed like we were watching a game of Frogger:

Coincidentally, we were watching CNN in our hotel room and they ran a very succinct piece on the traffic in Cairo:

A loosely organized game of soccer, and a race, between kids took our attention away from the street and onto (what we assumed was) a sports facility across the street.

The view wasn't great, but Cairo isn't a very pretty city so, we think you'd be hard-pressed to find one. We could see the pyramids in the distance though, which was pretty cool.

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  1. Wow. Beautiful photographs. I had no idea it actually looked like this.

    I have loved Egypt since I was a kid, and was actually quite obsessed. I think what I loved most was the old Egypt though. It seemed so magical to me.

    What's your favourite part of Egypt?

  2. love the photos! i especially love the soccer one! and the pyramid one!

  3. That's pretty nuts! Here we have the view of the NY skyline, over there you have a view of the pyramids in the distance! Amazing!

  4. I love the last picture!

  5. when i was there i was always amazed at the sight of the pyramids rising up behind the city. always seemed like such an...odd thing to see and i was a bit in awe every time. beats any view of anything i see here at home...or anywhere else i've been.

  6. i agree, its so amazing seeing the city buildings with the pyramids behind! bizarre.


  7. Total Bliss* I love the photos!

  8. i've always wanted to go to egypt!
    i love that first picture.

  9. i'm curious to hear more about cairo - i remember watching a special years ago about how people were living in the crypts in cemeteries because of overpopulation. was this apparent to you guys when you were there? i think it would be so interesting to visit such an historic city with so much of a past...




