
under the sea


Our crappy disposable underwater camera finally worked!
We were able to snap some shots, while snorkelling, near Isabella Island:

Alex could snorkel all day.
Personally, I think that being so close to so many strange looking fish is creepy.

I pretty much swam away as fast as I could any time I saw anything (including my own shadow).

So, all of these photos were taken by Alex.
I needed both hands to make a swift getaway.

Clearly, Alex is not concerned about hasty escapes, as he hung around this guy:

Who follows a stingray?!!

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  1. amazing pictures! what kind of underwater cam do you have? been looking to get one.
    i've been following you guys for awhile and finally decided to comment. love what you two are doing, it makes me both jealous and gives me the kick in the ass i need to do something like this with my girl. anyway, keep doing what you're doing, i love it!

  2. I would be like you Mina, very scared. I always think a shark will just swim right up to where we are.

  3. Alex is working toward being the next Steve Irwin.

    Too soon?

  4. Mina, you're not alone. I nearly had an anxiety attack in Mexico while Snorkeling. The pictures are cool, though!

  5. I love underwater photos! I don't think I'm brave enough to go snorkeling.

  6. Anonymous16.3.10

    I agree with you, Mina! I definitely do not like the feeling of fish against my skin - but they are oh so beautiful

  7. these are amazing I think it would be cool go snorkeling but like you I'd probably be afraid of the fish!

  8. Beautiful! I wish I was where you are!

  9. Dreamy! I love the colors, an I could snorkel all day, too :-)

  10. these underwater shots are so cool. i feel like a take a mini-vacation every time i visit your blog. i hope you are having the time of your lives.

  11. so sweet! what kind of underwater camera is it?

  12. How lovely it must be to have such an adventurous life! I am jealous! And I also love your blog!

  13. I pretty much feel the same way you do about snorkeling! I went for the first time last year and I was petrified!

  14. I LOVE these photos! Especially the first-- so dreamy! I get a little freaked out snorkeling too!

  15. Looks like the water is so warm. Watch out for the stingray!!

  16. so pretty!! i love snorkeling but i get super freaked out if the water is super crystal clear and i can't see every single ting around me for like a mile haha

  17. Those pix are amazing. I'm with you, i need both hands while snorkling. Sting rays are cool! I've hung out with them on Grand Cayman and Antigua,

  18. I would love for you to participate in my 'love story' features! I really would! Its basically where you email me your love story! I feature it, and ta-da.. thats it!

  19. sooo great! xx cat
    CiTiEs of B




