

Sometimes we have to share our table with critters. We've been pretty lucky that the places we've stayed have had no bugs (aside from the odd ant or mosquito). I'm really not sure I'll ever get used to  the strange insects in all of these places. Alex told me the other day that I'm going to have to - especially since it will probably be worse in some Asian countries and Australia. I realize that I may be acting like a diva, but I come from a place where all the bugs are dead for 80% of the year. What do you think?

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  1. That grasshopper is such a pretty green.

    I love this blog!

    Thanks for sharing the adventure!

  2. Love it...thanks for sharing!

  3. I'm with you Mina. You should never have to get used to bugs. I just hope they keep their distance :)

  4. I come from a state that's filled with annoying insects, and I'm still not used to it. Lol. At least the ones you're seeing are kind of pretty!

  5. UGH - I absolutely detest bugs...literally hate them all...

    However, that little grasshopper is a pretty shade of green!!

  6. Most bugs have a purpose in this world so they should be respected. That doesn't mean you always have to sit next to them...just respect their right to be sitting there. I find a plastic cup and a paper towel will capture most bugs easily so you can relocate them without harming them.

    Killing bugs is bad karma anyway.

    Aren't crickets considered lucky in China?

  7. That grasshopper is gorgeous! If you are worried about that, definitely steer clear of Australia, the spiders will give you nightmares!

  8. ohhh no no no. noooo. noooo bugs. i mean, your picture is beautiful and the green is so vibrant, but i have an unhealthy fear of bugs.

  9. oh my gosh it's neon!

  10. i don't discriminate, i hate all bugs. if that makes me a diva, then so be it. i still hate them.

  11. just able to catch up on the posts.
    dream life ... what can i say.

    Well done!

  12. I remember eating lunch with a Venezuelan friend in a Venezuelan restaurant when a cockroach scampered across the table.

    His response, "authentic!"

  13. As much as I don't prefer eating with bugs, he's kind of cool looking!

  14. This rocks. Your story is amazing. And I think I have fallen in love with you two. I am quite the traveler myself and leave for Australia tomorrow for five months. I often find myself lost in thoughts about how I can turn my life into one big trip.
    If you come to Australia anytime soon, let me know, I'd love to show you around. Also, I went to South Africa for a summer two years ago so if you need any advice etc let me know!
    - Becca
    p.s. def a follower of the alex and mina story

  15. Ahhh! That would scare me. I would probably yell really loud but quickly get over it LOL

  16. i am an insectophobe as well, but i have to say, having traveled to india [where the bugs seem to be much bigger and the mosquitos much more voracious!] and having lived in nyc, i prefer the india-bugs to the nyc apartment dwellers that the locals so fondly call *water bugs.* [they're 'roaches, people!] something about india being tropical, nyc not... oh, and don't get me started on the rats...

  17. i lived on maui for six years and never got used to the cockroaches. the tropical ones are a special breed indeed...they're huge! and they fly. yeah.

    i have to tell you that i swoon everytime i see your max wanger engagement/wedding photos. and did you guys get married just the two of you? so romantic. le sigh.

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