
thank you


... for all of the birthday greetings! You guys are sweet.
xo, Mina

Photo taken during a walk in San Juan Del Sur, Nicaragua

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  1. I love sidewalk stories.

    and bathroom wall writings.

    i have been collected pictures of them to make a coffee table montage.

    beautiful pic.

  2. hello Mina and Alex! I wanted to come out of your stalker-closet and let you know that I found your blog and found it amazing. You're absolutely living the dream and I will definitely contact you when my hubby and I are ready to make our own trip.
    -ana from phoenix

  3. sidewalk art is always awesome. i love it. i also love the bright sun. :)

  4. I loved this sidewalk art- I've never seen sidewalk art before- or maybe I have and just didn't know what it was. This is lovely.

  5. This may not be the place to ask, but how/why are all of these people (the ones who don't actually know you guys in real life) finding this blog?

    I'm assuming you're promoting it on some kind of traveller-friendly website or something, because every time I look at the comments on here, I see at least one "OMG I JUST DISCOVERED YOU GUYS"-type post.

    I dunno...I guess when Alex first told me about this blog, I assumed the only people who would be reading it would be your family members and people like me and...I dunno, Morgan or Saliga or something. Obviously you have quite the following, though.

    How did you manage to become minor Internet celebrities?

  6. Ana - Thanks for not being a stalker! We're happy to help with other people's planning when we can.

    Sam - We are hardly minor internet celebs. We we featured as a blog of the week on another site awhile ago and since then we've been linked to etc... Some of our readers have really great blogs, which we comment on from time to time.

  7. Makes sense.

    I think you need to start selling merch. Maybe get a local street artist in one of the towns you visit to draw you guys and then you could put it on a t-shirt.

    You seem to have enough fans that it might actually work. Hell, Alex should start promoting Grandpa's Army on THIS blog. It's sure to get more downloads than where it is now.


    Seriously, though, I enjoy reading about your trip. Keep up the documentation.




