
b & b


A breakfast that starts off with a huge plate of fresh fruit is so invigorating. While in San Juan Del Sur, we woke up to one every morning. The pineapples are white (we're used to them being yellow):

...and the oranges are green. We've seen all of these fruits growing during our long bus rides.

Neither of us enjoy papaya. We'd like to. It looks fresh and juicy, but the flavour is just not our thing - maybe because it's not very popular back home.

All these fruits are known to us and we're looking forward to trying some foreign and weird looking fruits during our travels.

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  1. Have you tried starfruit yet? It is very cool to look at and can be very tasty.

  2. I like mango way better than papaya! I feel bad but I can't stand it!

  3. yum!! ok i'm not a fan of papaya either. i think it's an acquired taste. i saw that your next stop is lima, peru-- that one is on my wanderlust list. i really want to check out the miraflores district.

  4. what a nice colorful post on such a dreary day here.

    also, you must get your hands on some guanabana juice!

  5. i like almost all fruit. i don't like fruit that tastes fishy though. and papaya tastes stinky, a wee bit. yes, it tastes stinky. :( in a weird way, though, i kinda like it.

  6. that fruit looks so incredible!

  7. do the pineapples taste different or the same as the ones you get here in the US?

  8. Oh WOW! That fruit looks muy fabulosa! My tongue splits when I eat fresh pineapple, but I'd be willing to make that sacrifice for some of that lovely white stuff! YUM!

  9. That fruit looks ridiculously good! Does the pineapple taste the same? I'm with you on papaya! Wish I liked it, but I can't stand it!

  10. That fruit looks delicious!

  11. I hate most tropical fruit flavours.
    Melon, papaya, pineapple, mango. I could go on.

  12. The fruits of the tropics are pretty awesome in general. There are a select few that I just can't get to like either, no matter how juicy they look.

  13. J.B. - I think we had starfruit back home once. We haven't seen it on our trip yet though.

    judith - "wanderlust list" is too wordy, we prefer the term wanderlist.

    Holly - We tried a guanabana popsicle today. Mina loved it...but we haven't seen the juice.

    leni & This Lovely City - The pineapples in Nicaragua tasted pretty much the same as pineapples I've had in Canada, maybe more tart.

    Jason - me too.

  14. i don't understand how anyone could not like mango.

  15. Mina, I read your italics as teeth-clenched-anger. Then realized Alex responds in italics, so they aren't so much emotive, as just answers. I liked the idea that this mango subject had you in body-shaking-outrage.

  16. Brianne28.1.10

    Be careful when eating fresh fruits abroad! If you are not in a "quality" place or somewhere you trust follow the rule: if you can peel it yourself, you can eat it! We don't want to have stomach issues from the water that was used to wash the fruit. You guys seem to be doing okay, just something to keep in mind when you venture in more foreign lands and third world countries!:)

  17. I am such a fruit addict
    but i wanna try white pineapple and green oranges NOW!

  18. Anonymous5.2.10

    i mean, you are too cute with your flower and fruit nibbling. love your fun life. love your fun blog!

  19. Papayas taste like dirty feet! I was going to suggest guanabana, but someone beat me to it :)




