

We came to Toronto to tie up loose ends. I suppose we didn't really decide how long we would be here. The idea was that we would get to Toronto, visit everyone that needed to be visited, finish our banking/investing, sell our vehicle, and be on our way. Unfortunately, it seems like we're going to be here a little while longer.

I woke up the other day with some pretty severe pains and Alex drove me to the hospital. We were there for 12 hours - waiting, waiting, and then I had a minor surgery.

It was so frightening! The doctors were very nice and pleasant, and they claimed it was a routine operation and that I had nothing to worry about. It was all down-hill from there. The lady who was inserting the needle for the intravenous hook-up made a mistake. She said "Uh-oh" on more than one occasion - which didn't alleviate my anxiety about the situation.

The doctors put some drugs into the IV to put me to sleep during the surgery. Much to my dismay, I woke up half way through and felt everything. I cried like a baby. They said my blood pressure dropped during the operation, which is why they couldn't administer more of the sedative. This was probably the most traumatic experience I have ever had.

Alex stayed by my side the entire day. He wouldn't even get himself any dinner until I insisted. He made sure that I was comfortable and relaxed. He is amazing and I am so happy to have him in my life. I don't know how I got so lucky.

In conclusion, we are stuck here while I get better. 2-4 weeks, they say. - Mina

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  1. I'm so sorry to hear about that, and what a scary experience! To wake up during surgery.. that's actually a fear of mine.
    I hope you feel better and SOON!
    Best wishes.

  2. whoa scary! you have a good man. hope you're doin ok girl.

  3. Anonymous8.11.09

    Oh, Mina, that is so frustrating. I hope you're doing well. Just think, though, that it's so much better that this happened while you were still in Canada and not off in a foreign country! It's just a setback, like you said. Soon enough you two will be off on your adventures, and we'll all still be around waiting to hear about them!

  4. That last comment was from me, by the way :-)

  5. oh my goodness, that sounds unspeakably awful! glad you're ok. I'm so happy for you that you have a loving, caring husband to see you through

  6. Oh that's horrible! You have just cememted my hate for hospitals and the like. I hope you feel better soon and that everything, healthwise, is okay.

  7. Oh my goodness that must have been awful!

    Hope you get better soon :)

  8. oh no this sounds awful!! I hope you feel so much better soon x

  9. So glad to hear that you are recovering now and that the surgery went well. What a rough start for you guys. Warm and healing thoughts :-) ~S

  10. I'm so so sorry to hear about this. We are all thinking of you and sending you happy, healing vibes :)

    xo Nina

  11. Anonymous8.11.09

    Oh my goodness! I hope everything gets resolved and you start feeling better :/ Eat a cupcake or two!

  12. oh my goodness, that sounds absolutely terrible!! i'm so sorry you had such a bad experience at the doctor's, i hope you get better soon :)

  13. Oh my, that sounds Scary, I hope you feel better very very soon.

  14. oh mina!!! im so so sorry to hear this. on the bright side, as least you were "home" when this happened and you didn't have to deal with this abroad. rest up!!

  15. "in sickness and in health."

    Mina, i read this and was so scared and worried for you. You poor thing!!! i'm glad that it was just a routine surgery... and that you had your husband to care for you.

    Keep Calm and Carry On. yes!

    saying a prayer of thanks for your safety.


  16. I am so sorry to hear that Mina. I hope that you recover well and know that this is time for the two of you to get closer together. We'll be thinking about you.

  17. oh my gosh mina i'm so so so sorry!! that's absolutely terrible!! you're in my thoughts

  18. Oh, my gosh! That is so scary, Mina, but I'm glad you made it through okay. I hope you feel better soon, and I will be sending good vibes your way!


  19. oh my gosh i hope your ok i'm praying for your speedy recovery!!

  20. That is absolutely terrifying. Probably one of my top five fears! I'm glad you made it through okay, though. You're in my prayers.

  21. oh my gosh! i hope things turn around quickly and that you feel better! <3

  22. Wow. Oh my god that sounds so scary and painful! I hope you get better quickly and get lots of pampering and hugs from alex!

  23. Wow - that sounds so horrible. I hope that your trip just gets better from here. Take care of yourself and enjoy Toronto! At least this didn't happen in some foreign country - that would have been even worse.

  24. Oh Mina that sounds so horrible. Poor you.

    I really hope you get well soon and can get back to your happy travels.

    Much love to you & Alex from London xx

  25. Anonymous9.11.09

    Oh I can't imagine how terrible that must have been. My husband and I were actually just talking about our fear of waking up during surgery. Sending happy, healing thoughts your way!

  26. That sounds awful! I hope you get to feeling better soon!!!

  27. oh no! so sorry that you are felling bad and that you are having to postpone your fun adventure. get well soon!

  28. Oh my goodness, you poor dear! I hope you're feeling much much better now, and I hope the images of that event pass quickly. :(

    Lots of virtual *hugs* -

  29. Anonymous9.11.09

    Wow, craziness! I'd say, for sure, though, that having to deal with this here where you're comfortable would be a bit better than being in some country where you don't know anyone! Hope you have a quick recovery & get on with your trip! =]

  30. How scary! Take good care of yourself and take plenty of time to heal. Get some good books and a root beer float. :)

  31. Cute blog! :-)
    Enjoyed it.

  32. yikes...I hope that you are doing better!

  33. Mina!!! Oh my goodness that is horrifying! You will be in my thought and I hope for your speedy recovery.

  34. Oh my goodness! That does not sound like one of the fun-sidetrack/set backs.... I hope you feel better soon and continue on your adventure!

  35. Ugh so sorry to hear and that must have been SO scary! Sending lots of good thoughts your way...Feel better soon!!

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Sending a lot superpower to you, lady!
    I have just read about it now and also read that you are already feeling better!

    Get superstrong and healthy and back to your sparkly best!

  38. Ohhhh my girl !! I hope you're feeling much better now :)

    and to wake up halfway during a operation is no good at all. I can imagine how you felt.

    And Alex is so sweet and you're a lucky girl <3

  39. Oh Mina,
    That's awful what you have to go through with waking up in the middle of procedure. My hubby works at the OR in a Toronto hospital, and it DOESN'T usually happen. I am glad you are ok, though.

  40. You poor thing! I hope you are doing better! That sucks that you're set back, but at least it happened before you were far away.

    get well.

  41. Whoa - waking up in the middle of surgery sounds terrifying. I suppose from now on other things may seem less scary?

    Hope you're well on the way to recovery and your travels.

  42. Oh my god those food images are amazinggggggg.

  43. Sad to read this, hope you get better soon!




