


These are the few decent photos that sort-of turned out from our last roll of fisheye film - at the bean in Chicago.

Our temporary delay in Toronto continues. I've had the additional misfortune of having my credit card skimmed (sometime before arriving here), although, it seems my card was deactivated before any real damage was done.

Mina is on the path to recovery though, so I expect that we'll check out some of the sights and sounds of Toronto this week. - Alex

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  1. Hope you're feeling better xoxo

  2. that last photo is great! wishing both the recovery and exploring go well :)

  3. sorry to hear about your credit card luckily it was deactivated and glad to hear mina is getting better! everything will work out i'm sure of it. well wishes

  4. Those pictures just made me miss my fish eye camera back in Finland... Especially the second one is magical.

    This is the first time I've seen your blog, but I'm sure it won't be te last one. Your experience just seems to be too interesting to be missed.

  5. Anonymous17.11.09

    That sucks. Sorry to hear that.

    We just got married in CA. Right after the civil ceremony at the courthouse, we joyfully returned to our car to discover a $30 parking ticket on our windshield. Funny thing is the meter had 44 minutes left on it. Glad I had my handy little tourist camera with me, but we were perturbed at having to deal with contesting a parking ticket during our very short trip.

    I'd say you guys have had enough yin for a while. Wishing you a wave of yang :)

  6. I am dying to go to Chicago to take pics w/ the bean! :)

  7. very cool! i like.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I once had a conversation with a friend about delays, etc. I said that if too many things got in the way of something amazing (ie: sold-out tickets to your favorite band's show and insaaaane traffic trying to get there), then I'd take that as a sign from up above that it just wasn't meant to be. She, on the other hand, thoroughly believed that you just HAVE to get through those obstacles. You have to. Because the reward will be amazing and it will be more than you ever thought possible. In context, because of the bumper-to-bumper traffic and our lateness to the venue, we were blessed to have encountered the most amazing strangers standing outside who gave us their extra tickets for the most amazing sold-out show. Ever.

    What I'm trying to say is, keep on keeping on, guys. Positive thoughts and vibes go out to you! :]

  10. Wow - you are having an unlucky start to your trip. I really hope things start getting better for you. Here is som LUCK, from me to you!

  11. Cool, when you come to England, visit Bristol and see something like that, but much better!

  12. Very cool photographs, enjoy exploring Toronto.

  13. Beautiful photos here !! Really loving it :)




